21 Arrested in London


   21 Just Stop Oil supporters were arrested marching down Bow Road in East London. This is part of the slow marches that have been taking place all month. The police shut down and arrested everyone in the march before an hour had gone by, using a power called Section 7. In these mass arrests, the police cordon off the marchers, usually all but a lucky 1 or 2 might escape the encircling. So far this month they’ve arrested a group of 40 at Waterloo Bridge, 60 on the streets of London, 100 at Whitehall, 2 Leafletters not even marching, and now this group of 21, who were 22 marchers at the outset. There are also three who will remain in jail until November 30th. 

   Sarah Moreis, taking action as a 58 year old shopkeeper and mum-of-four, said, “It is obscene that the government is putting short term profits over the future for our children. They should be listening to the scientists, not the lobbyists who work for oil companies. Fossil fuel companies are paying dark-money think tanks like Policy Exchange, and it’s them who Rishi Sunak has writing their laws. What will we do when flood waters ruin our homes and wreck our infrastructure? The only option available for normal people to be heard, is to cause disruption. We saw it work in the Netherlands, where the government there has been forced to end fossil fuel subsidies, and it can work here too.”

Just Stop Oil is part of the A22 Network of Civil Resistance, a global network of activists around the world in a mad dash to save humanity. Join them at JustStopOil.org. 

In Solidarity, Will Regan



Join the Summer of Heat in NYC

The clock is ticking. That’s why The Summer of Heat, is taking joyful, relentless nonviolent direct action to end fossil fuel financing. Wall Street is bankrolling the coal, oil and gas companies that are polluting our communities and killing our planet. The Summer of Heat is set on stopping them. The Summer of Heat is going hard all summer long. Week after week. Month after month. The Summer of Heat is taking the party to the streets and won't stop.



Join the March on the DNC in Chicago

We are a coalition of organizations bringing our demands to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 2024!

  • 12PM Monday August 19 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St
  • 5PM Thursday August 22 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St





Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.