Clarion Call Precurses Storm Ciarán

 The previous day, a Section 7 order was also applied, and several supp-orters were subsequently banned from London pre-trial our of a crop of 62 arrestees. This banishment has not deterred this second wave of arrestees. There’s no telling who from the previous wave has joined this one, but now the count is over 100 arrests.

Historic winds did hit the UK and France, causing massive damage and flooding. But this is not a surprise, because unlike the story of Cassandra, who was not believed when she screamed there were soldiers inside the wooden horse, everyone knows that Just Stop Oil is correct - climate change is getting worse.

One of those taking action this morning, Rachel White 53, a mental health worker from Rochford said, “I have tried standing as a candidate for the Green Party, I have tried signing petitions, writing to MP’s, attending COP 26, but nothing’s changed. In fact it’s gotten worse, and so I can no longer be a bystander. I want my granddaughter and grandson to know I tried to do something. I want them to know their grandmother was not complicit with the crimes of this government. MPs are well informed and they know that the scale of suffering that has begun is an unprecedented crime against humanity, and that the suffering will only worsen if we do not stop oil & gas emissions, yet they’ve just green-lit Rosebank, which will emit more carbon into the atmosphere than 28 whole countries.”

Just Stop Oil are a part of the A22 Network of civil resistance, and have achieved a 90% name recognition in the UK.

In Solidarity, Will Regan




Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.