XR NYC Pulls Off Solidarity Action to #FreeDegasTwo

From XR NYC Twitter:
“Climate activists from #XRNYC &
@riseandresistny stood in solidarity at The Met Museum, symbolically silencing themselves with tape bearing words like 'Floods' and 'Famine,' to raise awareness about the government's repression of the climate movement.

Joanna Smith and Tim Martin, brave members of @DecEmergency, are being unjustly indicted on federal conspiracy charges for nonviolent protest at the National Gallery of Art. Solidarity with them!


The two charges against them, combined carry a maximum penalty of a $500,000 fine and 10 years in prison. It's an absurd response towards peaceful activists highlight the injustices and the horrifying future we face. #ClimateJustice”

The solidarity action, pictured left, makes a good statement that Climate Activists do not walk alone - but shoulder to shoulder - and we will not relent in our call for climate justice.

Videos seems to show about 15-20 activists with tape over their mouths, paint on their hands, and signs which call out the catastrophe of climate disaster the world faces.

You Can help! Sign the Petition! 

In the words of Joanna Smith: "Today, through nonviolent rebellion, we have temporarily marred a piece of art to evoke the real children whose suffering is certain if the death-cult fossil fuel companies continue extracting new coal, oil, and gas from the ground." She further stated, "As a parent, I cannot accept this future."

A petition being circulated by climate activists and sponsored by Extinction Rebellion NYC and Declare Emergency respectfully asks Assistant U.S. District Attorney Cameron A. Tepfer to drop the charges against the duo.

Here’s an easy to transcribe link that will redirect you to the petition so you can sign




In Solidarity, Will Regan




Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.