This Is Rigged Execute Art Action at the Scotland National Galleries

As part of a slew of actions taking place recently, This is Rigged members defaced the protective glass of a portrait of King Charles III with the slogan, “The People are Mightier than the Lord.”

This is part of a sustained series of actions in which This Is Rigged “shut down the Scottish oil industry.” Already this week they’ve executed multiple blockades at terminals in Clydebank and Grangemouth, and scaled the Kelpies in Falkirk.
Ben Taylor, a 28-year-old gardener from Ayrshire who took part in the action today, said: “Why does the Scottish Government think it’s acceptable to keep allowing new oil and gas projects to go ahead, without even opposing them? If we want a future for our young people, they need to oppose all new oil and gas licenses. This is the most basic step they can take to secure a chance at a liveable future. Until this happens, we will continue to target the Scottish Government, forcing them to use the powers they do have to stand up for the people.”

Alongside him was Ideal, a 21-year-old teacher from Lisbon, Portugal. They said: “In Portugal, it’s 40 degrees in the shade, right now. We’re going through unbearable heat, and it’s only going to get worse. Scotland is the biggest oil producer in Europe (and second-biggest gas producer), and these emissions affect everyone. We all have a responsibility to stop them, and ensure a fair transition for oil and gas workers.”
At press time they had been arrested and taken into custody. Also, no damage was done to the art itself, according to the gallery.


In a continued campaign, that has included scaling trucks, oil tankers and The Kelpies.

Rigged has created another major obstacle for Scotland oil - by gluing and concreting themselves to the ground in a locked down chain.

At press time, they had been cut out, after 6 hours - but the road remained closed.



In Solidarity, Paul Severance




Paul Severance


Paul Severance, superhero, can leap tall buildings in a single bound. He’s a really handsome person able to turn carbon into marijuana.