Climate Defiance Rush the Women’s Congressional Baseball Game

Congressional Women accountable by rushing the field at the annual Journalist vs Congress Women’s Softball Game. A dozen or so members of the new Climate Action group, which demands Government stop approving new fossil fuel projects, temporarily shut down the women’s congressional game, Wednesday.

Several members of congress could be seen in the video asking the group to leave, but CD locked arms, and began to chant - “Fossil Fuels are Killing Us.”

The Congressional Women’s Softball Game is an annual tradition in which Members of Congress play against journalists. The amount they raise for charity through their $10 ticket sales is a pittance. They should be protecting the population through their actions in congress.

edit: Update: - Apparently the congressional members did respond at the game to this protest. They decided to dance. To ignore the pleas for help - they danced. Very disappointing, Congress. 



In Solidarity, Will Regan

Climate Defiance

We DO NOT do petitions.
We put our bodies on the line

If people in power will not save us we will save ourselves There is no choice, we need consistent, mass-turnout, nonviolent disruption to stop business as usual and compel politicians to act Wherever you are, rise up and join the youth standing up FACE TO FACE with the climate criminals signing our lives away
Sign Up For Climate Defiance
#Climate Defiance





Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.