Sentences Started Early for Constitution Painter

Kroegeor (left) and Donald Zepeda (right) a few hours after getting out of jail, posing with the Declaration of Rebellion

XR Pathways and Declare Emergency supporter, Kroegeor, court name, Jackson Green, is being held until trial for his Federal case where he wrote, "Honor Them" on the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment. Originally, Kroegeor was out on bond, pending the result of the case. However, after the recent action, where he and Donald Zepeda poured magenta powder over the constitution, a bench warrant was issued. Kroegeor was summoned to court, and his bond was revoked by the judge.  His next hearing is March 20th, 930am, courtroom 25 in DC. His judge is Amy Berman Jackson. The government is claiming the powder at the archives caused $23,000 worth of damages. People close to the action have noted that the powder was a non-toxic, commonly obtained substance, which could not have caused any damage. Further, the National Archives was closed for 3 days, which is far longer than it should have been, but adds to the circumstance of Kroegeor's early incarceration. 

Photos via News2Share   

Although it's not uncommon for someone to be jailed prior to conviction, it does not make it ok. Jailing the accused before trial could make the public see them as a criminal. It's important to understand that the law allows for civil disruption in the case of stopping a greater harm. Climate change is the greatest harm anyone could imagine, and right now, the rights to liberty and freedom are in jeopardy all over the world because of climate change. This makes Kroegeor and Donald's actions not only valid, but necessary. Hence, this is called the "necessity defense" or "lesser evil defense."

Already, while jailed, Kroegeor has been denied access to even short walks outside due to a suicide in the facility, and the unusually callous circumstances of DC jails. Soon he will be in a general population, and needs your support. Please follow our links - check back here, for up to date information on how to write to Kroegeor and show him your support. Other ways to help, such as putting money on his books and sending literature are recommended as well.

You can donate to Kroegeor's legal fund here. There is an option for monthly, as well. \

Send mail to (edit, address updated)

DC Department of Corrections


DC Jail
Jackson Green
Cell 79 Unit South 2 DCDC #: 388465
1901 D St SE
Washington DC 20003

(black or blue ink, no stickers, must have return address, no photos(post cards ok), and remember that everything written is probably going to be seen by DC jail staff)


In Solidarity, Will Regan




Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.