Rome - 12 in Prison

   Monday, twelve supporters of Last Generation “Repair Fund” campaign blocked the A12 motorway in Fiumicino for 30 minutes in an action of nonviolent civil disobedience. An angry motorist left his vehicle to dislodge one of the supporters, but they were back in front of the purple BMW before he could resume his travel. Instead of waiting, the driver chose to use his BMW to knock three supporters out of the road, in a terrifying assault.

   The roadblock resumed, and a half hour later, the police arrived and took the conscientious protectors to jail. The twelve,Riccardo, Azaria, Leonardo, Beatrice, Nerè, Giordano, Mattia, Filippo, Emma, ​​Massimiliano, Simone and Filippo sent to various Rome prisons. They await trial on Wednesday.
   From their press release, “The twelve citizens who are in prison right now are taking responsibility for their actions. President Meloni in these hours is instead ensuring billions of Euros to Eni with a wink to the Sultan of oil, a clear signal that for those responsible for the climate catastrophe in Italy (Eni, large banks and insurance companies), which finance fossil fuels, for the multinationals that treat workers like slaves, for tax evaders who have been stealing billions of euros from healthcare, education and land maintenance for decades, there are rewards and not harsher penalties.”

   Ultima Generazione (Last Generation) is asking the Italian government for a 20 billion euro "Reparation Fund" to repair the damage suffered by citizens due to extreme meteorological events (floods, hailstorms, fires, droughts and so on) due to the climatic upheaval caused by use of fossil fuels.

   Sign the petition for the immediate release of the Rome 12! 

   Last Generation is part of the A22 Network for Civil Resistance.

In Solidarity, Will Regan




Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.