Queer riot And Counter Protesters on the A12

   A lot of rebels brought pride flags, and banners to represent the queer community, who are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
After 23 days, this certainly isn’t the first time non-binary folk have been participating, but this is the first time queer culture is being centered. However, the fun was short lived, as the extended occupation was ended early due to complications.
   Today, counter protesters from the far right showed up on the A12, a first. They threw eggs at the police, as the police created a line that prevented the fascists from confronting the A12 rebels.

   An anti-fascist news source (Doorbraak Eu) reports on Twitter that the organizers gave too much trust to the police, as the police took advantage of confusion by unleashing the fascists on a small group of protesters.
   XR Netherlands has also been joined by a German group that is very famous over the last few days, but this is being covered by another writer no spoilers here. Stay tuned - lots of things are happening at once!
   So far, it seems about 8000 people have been arrested on the A12 in the last 23 days. The demand, to end 43-49 Billion Dollars in fossil fuel subsidies has been met with silence by the establishment. XR Netherlands maintains this blockade every day, starting at noon, with no end in sight

In Solidarity, Will Regan



Join the Summer of Heat in NYC

The clock is ticking. That’s why The Summer of Heat, is taking joyful, relentless nonviolent direct action to end fossil fuel financing. Wall Street is bankrolling the coal, oil and gas companies that are polluting our communities and killing our planet. The Summer of Heat is set on stopping them. The Summer of Heat is going hard all summer long. Week after week. Month after month. The Summer of Heat is taking the party to the streets and won't stop.



Join the March on the DNC in Chicago

We are a coalition of organizations bringing our demands to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 2024!

  • 12PM Monday August 19 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St
  • 5PM Thursday August 22 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St





Will Regan


Will Regan has been a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion in the US and Declare Emergency. He's editor in chief for the Daily Rebellion and has been arrested 4 times since taking that role.