Oracle 171
If we are going to avoid this hellish future for our kids and young people, we have a responsibility - a duty - to stop it if we can.
Roger Hallam, via @RogerHallamCS21 on Twitter
Last Generation - Germany took action last week.
“If we want to prevent the collapse of our society, we have to redirect – out of the fossil age and towards a sustainable, humane and socially just policy. But we are running out of time ,” emphasizes Lea-Maria Rhein (23) . “We, as the last generation, are interrupting everyday life through our protest in order to show a way out of the business as usual that has led us to the current crisis. The FDP, on the other hand, seems to disrupt and block just for the sake of disrupting. Current surveys show that it is not well received. But with every further FDP blockade, we lose valuable time for the necessary social change.”
via Letzte Generation Press Release
Sunrise ask Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency with 21 arrests in DC
Has there been a single article in any media about the recent crossing of 2°C on Feb. 8-11? Or is this now a non-event? The first 2°C crossing was Nov. 17 & 18, 2023. There were lots of articles at the time.
Eliot Jacobson, via Twitter, Feb 18, 2024
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