Oracle 134

Boiling Down the Road

Coming in 5 days. That's 1.39°C above the 1981-2010 baseline, which is about 2.23°C above the 1850-1900 IPCC baseline. Will a new daily anomaly record be set?

Eliot Jacobson on Twitter, @EliotJacobson


Life on Planet Earth is Under Siege

We are now in an uncharted territory. For several decades, scientists have consistently warned of a future marked by extreme climatic conditions because of escalating global temperatures caused by ongoing human activities that release harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, time is up.

The 2023 State of the Climate Report:
“Entering Uncharted Territory, William J. Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Jillian W. Gregg, Johan Rockstrom, Thomas M. Newsome, Beverly E. Law, Luiz Marques, Timothy M. Lenton, Chi Xu, Saleemul Huq, Leon Simons, Sir David Anthony King”

The Time Has Come

“...or is about to come, when only large-scale civil disobedience, which should be nonviolent, can save the populations from the universal death which their governments are preparing for them.”

Bertrand Russell, Pacifist, Philosopher, Scientist(1872 –1970)

In Solidarity, Rebel Oracle



Join the Summer of Heat in NYC

The clock is ticking. That’s why The Summer of Heat, is taking joyful, relentless nonviolent direct action to end fossil fuel financing. Wall Street is bankrolling the coal, oil and gas companies that are polluting our communities and killing our planet. The Summer of Heat is set on stopping them. The Summer of Heat is going hard all summer long. Week after week. Month after month. The Summer of Heat is taking the party to the streets and won't stop.



Join the March on the DNC in Chicago

We are a coalition of organizations bringing our demands to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 2024!

  • 12PM Monday August 19 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St
  • 5PM Thursday August 22 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St