Oracle 121 - Morgan Freeman, Roger Hallam, Leon Simons

Warning - Cataclysmic Event

“I am one of those people who's very interested in this subject, life on the planet. You understand that, today, life on the planet is in a little bit of trouble, and we're the cause of it," Morgan continued, "There have been, if I remember correctly, six extinction-level events on the planet since life began. Six times, large, large portions of life — not human life, we're talking just life — gone, destroyed. We're headed for another one. Scientists have said if we don't hurry up and change our ways, there's going to be a cataclysmic event that will wipe many of us off the face of the earth." 

Morgan Freeman on the View

Roger Hallam’s Manifesto

“It is clear that catastrophe is now locked in. Short of a technological miracle being rolled out in the next five years, global heating will force around a billion people to leave their homes within the next two decades as the world heads over 2C – that’s 7C in inland areas, 15C on a “hot day”. The global economic system will collapse and impoverishment will hit billions of people. Revolutions are now inevitable. Functional human extinction – only around a billion people located about the polar regions – is not. The key question for humanity now is whether the revolutions will be fascistic or democratic – based upon hate or popular deliberation, enacting escapist nihilism or compassionate realism. So what is to be done?”
To read the rest, go to

Roger Hallam
Co-Founder of Extinction Rebellion

Prepare for Shock

The 7 billion people living on this side of the planet should prepare for shocking climate event. The climate is about to protest and can't be arrested.

Leon Simons,
via @LeonSimons8 on Twitter




In Solidarity, Rebel Oracle