No Jail for Gail
The co-founders of Extinction Rebellion will not go down without a fight. Gail Bradbrook managed to avoid jailtime today when she was sentenced for breaking windows of the government building in the spirit of the suffragettes. Dozens of suffragette costumed rebels came out to lend their support for her sentencing, along with Game of Thrones star, Jerome Flynn. Before sentencing, Gail and several others were live on Facebook making statements.
Gail’s trial was particularly alarming, because after a great many delays, the judge still refused to allow the relevant evidence to reach the jury. Without context of why Gail smashed the windows, the trial becomes a farce. The right for a jury to acquit according to their conscience is enshrined in British law, but here again the judge decided to ignore those human rights.
The pattern of crackdown has resulted in a letter from the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights, Ian Fry, issued to the British government, warning them about overly harsh policing on the very important matter of climate breakdown and defense of natural spaces.
Ultimately Gail received 15 months suspended sentence (no jail time) and a 12 month probationary period.
Gail Bradbrook said, “It wasn’t a surprise that the jury convicted me when the judge banned them from hearing most of my defense, including an almost entirely redacted transcript of my police interview and declared evidence in support of my motives as inadmissible in court" Gail Continued, “When the Establishment argue that acts of civil disobedience like mine aren’t necessary because we have a functioning democracy and court system to enable change, who do they think they’re fooling? Anyone with half a brain can see the courts are not acting on behalf of British citizens and of life – they are complicit in marching us off a climate cliff.”
Gail Bradbrook today also released the 75 page dossier of evidence which were part of what was deemed inadmissible in court.
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