Eiffel Tower Roadblock Last Renovation France block Pont d'Iéna
Saturday, October 14, Ten citizens supporting Dernier Rénovation sprayed paint on the Iena bridge facing the Eiffel Tower before blocking traffic in both directions. The action comes on the day of La Flambée des Couleurs, an Autumn holiday, to demand 12 billion euros for Renovation Thermique buildings in the 2024 budget.
A supporter (pictured) said, “(current policies) would never be sufficiently concrete to fight against the climate crisis which is currently taking place. I got involved early, I did many marches for the climate, many marches for ecology. I saw the government ignore these marches. Ignore these demonstrators. I was interested in the citizens' convention for the climate. The current climate crisis is hundreds of thousands of deaths every year, including in France. And the government contributes to this state of affairs with its inaction.“
En cette journée de #FlambeeDesColeres, une dizaine de citoyens et citoyennes soutenant #DerniereRenovation ont bloqué le pont d’Iéna pendant plus d’1h.
— Dernière Rénovation (@derniere_renov) October 14, 2023
Tant que nos demandes ne seront pas entendues, nous continuerons à perturber. #ResistanceCivile #RenovationThermique pic.twitter.com/RJKX9SZXIx
The blockade lasted nearly an hour, when dozens of police arrived and lifted the entire blockade up simultaneously, carrying them out of the road, despite their lock-on devices. Last Renovation is part of the A22 Network and you can join them at derniererenovation.fr
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