Oracle 169
Renovate Switzerland paint palace orange. Scientists act out against private jets. Eliot Jacobson tallies January - another record broken for heat.

600+ Arrested in Belgium
Code Rouge activists from around the world converged on a Belgum airport for two days in a non-violent bid to end private jets, stop airport expansion, and curtail unfair competition and job loss due to cheap imported goods.

Oracle 155
Roger Hallam meme, Leon Simons "we've messed up" Eliot Jacobson Tipping Points, Extinction Rebellion, Scientists Rebellion, Climate Defiance

Scientists Rebellion in Denmark Blockade Airport
Scientists Rebellion in Denmark took to the streets Sunday to put on a blockade to protest private jets at an airport. The protest included multiple rebels, a social media team, and yellow and black banners with their demands - "End Private Jets"

Private Jets Blocked in East Hamptons NY and Spain
Abigail Disney locked down with New York Communities for Change, the Sunrise Movement, Reclaim Our Tomorrow, to shut down East Hampton Airport. East Hampton Airport sees a large number of private jets flying in and out, daily. Besides the East Hampton’s already being an exceptionally wealthy part of town, this burden on the climate is massive.