Seven Members of Declare Emergency Arrested in DC on US-50 Resulting in 3 days in jail
The action gained over a million views, and then some tv time as well - which was a good cap to a week of action that included 15 arrests altogether.
Will Regan, editor-in-chief for the Daily Rebellion and one of the Declare Emergency supporters at the action said, “We’re sitting in the road disrupting traffic trying to raise the alarm about what’s happening with climate change. Climate change is the biggest issue the world has ever seen. Joe Biden has acknowledged it. He says he’s “basically” declared a climate emergency. But he hasn’t actually done that yet. What he’s really done is pushed it aside.” Will continued, “Peter Kalmus wrote a really good article recently about all the things he could be doing that he’s just not doing. So we’ve got to raise the alarm. We’ve got to disrupt business as usual so people can start making real decisions about how we’re going to save this planet – how we’re not going to commit genocide against the Global South. How we’re going to hold these corporate people accountable – these fossil fuel companies, these politicians, these greedy billionaires. How are we going to hold them accountable? We’ve got to do that at this moment - So that’s what this moment is really about.”
Avery (Ace) Fae, Declare Emergency Supporter from Oregon, “...If we keep going the way we’re going, then within ten years there will be no going back. Our planet will never be the same. It will never be habitable again for people and for so many species. We’re all in this together. We all have to take care of each other. We all have to protect each other and our home and our planet, our children and our future. Now is the time to act. This is why I’m out here because there’s nothing else to do at this point.”
Bob Atchinson, Declare Emergency Supporter from Vermont “I’m out here for my grandchildren. I’m out here for my children. I’m out here to get our president, who promised to be a climate president to declare a climate emergency, and get on with the business of saving the world’s civilization. We’re the worst polluters in the world. Our US military is the worst polluter of all of us. And it’s time to stop it. No more fossil fuel permits. No more natural gas permits. Just do the right thing and shut it down.”
Three roadblocks, and a disruptive action at the natural history museum, which included dinosaur costumes. Other actions for the week included slow marches, and dinosaur canvassing, singing and training.
Declare Emergency is a member of the A22 Network for Civil Resistance, a ten-country coalition formed in April of 2022. DE’s main demands are to get Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency, Reduce Military Carbon Footprint, Stop Fossil Fuel Extraction on Federal and Indigenous Lands, Remove the US from the Int’l Oil Economy, Establish a National Citizens Assembly, Stop Fossil Fuels and pardon people fighting for our future.
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